同時在音樂繪畫有所成就 Jerry Garcia是 BLACKWING 限定 VOLUME 710 欲致敬人物
同時在音樂佮繪畫上有所成就的 Jerry Garcia,是 BLACKWING 上新限定鉛筆 VOLUME 710 所欲致敬的人物,作伙來看嘜 …
▲ 看了外盒第一印象會覺得這是印象派畫家吧。非也、非也 …
Jerry Garcia ( 1942/8/1 ~ 1995/8/9 ),是 Grateful Dead 樂團的主唱與吉他手,同時在視覺藝術上也有一定的成就。
店長找了一些網路資源,想要更進一步了解 Jerry Garcia 的朋友可以看看 …
- Jerry Garcia 介紹網站:https://jerrygarcia.com/
- 一篇 2020 年介紹文章:吉他即興傳奇,作畫也不猶疑:Grateful Dead靈魂人物Jerry Garcia
▲ BLACKWING VOLUME 710 限定鉛筆,便是要向 Jerry Garcia 來致敬!
Though he is best known as the lead guitarist and vocalist for the Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia was
much more than a musician. His house at 710 Ashbury Street marked the heart of the enlightenment
and expression that pulsed through San Francisco in the 1960s. It also fueled Jerry’s profound exploration into painting and visual arts.
Jerry Garcia 為人所知的是 Grateful Dead 樂團的主唱與吉他手,但他不只是音樂家更是一位藝術家!
他的住所 710 Ashbury Street,的 710 變做是這回限定 VOLUME 的番號。
▲ A slice of his painting “Curves & Lines” is printed on each pencil, which features our soft graphite
that is ideal for both drawing and songwriting.
Jerry Garcia 的畫作之一「Curves & Lines」成為 VOLUME 710 鉛筆的設計外觀。
筆芯的設定為 BLACKWING 的 SOFT 約相當於 3B~4B,適合拿來草圖畫畫,也呼應了 Jerry Garcia 在藝術上的成就。
▲ 橡皮擦子槽為黑色,橡皮擦則是綠色。
▲ 筆桿上 BLACKWING 710 為白色印刷字樣。
▲ Like his guitar playing, Jerry’s sketches and paintings seem to meander on the canvas, taking unexpected turns before changing shape entirely. They show us that improvisation isn’t just reserved for the stage and that our ideas shouldn’t be bound by what’s expected of us.
Jerry Garcia 的 Curves & Lines 畫作在 VOLUME 710 筆桿上蜿蜒著,就如同他的音樂在空中環繞一般。
喜歡 BLACKWING 限定鉛筆的朋友,不要錯過這支 VOLUME 710 喔。
地址:106 台北市大安區基隆路二段 209 巷 8 號 / 02-27380567
外埠頭的朋友,也歡迎使用我們的 ONLINE shop 注文購買,感恩!
- VOLUME 710 鉛筆:https://shopee.tw/product/295429603/25074185835/